Saturday, June 29, 2024

June 29th

This is a picture from June 2nd.
Our harvest has been going great so far.
Those are our potatoes (russet and purple),
 cherry tomatoes,
cucumbers and eggplants.
I've made 10 quarts of tomato sauce
that I froze.
I also dehydrated a lot of eggplant,
and cucumber.
Most of the eggplant that I dehydrated
I blended to a powder that
I add to ground beef to 
enhance the flavor.
It's also great sprinkled over salad.

I think the rain has helped the crops
to remain productive. I hope that'll
keep up!

This is the last of the potatoes for now.
I peeled and boiled some to dehydrate.
So, in essence, I made my own instant potatoes!

Tomato sauce in the making.
I add a bit of salt, bell peppers, oregano
veggie stock, onions, garlic and olive oil.
Then I let it slow cook for about an hour.
I turn off the heat and allow it to cool
before using an immersion blender
to make a creamy sauce.
Literally everything in it is homegrown.
A smaller amount of veggies to make 
tomato sauce.

Purple potatoes.
These unique guys pack a punch.
They have 3 times more antioxidants
than white or yellow potatoes
and less starch.
It's the starch that converts to
carbohydrates, so all in all
this is a healthier potato.
I dehydrated these to use as
mashed potatoes later.
Thats a jar of purple potatoes!

2 jars of herbal/veggie blend.
I've been busy!

This is from June 15th.
Cucumbers, Peppers, Tomatoes 
and Eggplants.

This is the harvest from June 28th

I've harvested herbs too.
They usually are used immediately in
cooking or they get dehydrated
for use in my herbal blend.
I have oregano, thyme, parsley,
Greek basil, Thai basil, lemon verbena,
sage, rosemary, and mint.
Then to dehydrate them,
I cut them and wash them thoroughly.
Then I separate the leaves from the stems,
they dry out faster that way.


The flowers are blooming too!
Gladiolus and Gardenias

I had to bring some of that beauty inside!

The red throat is amazing!

Purple Sweet Potato vine

Mary's Garden

Kalanchoe, or 
Mother of Thousands.
Every single one of those
buds along the leaves will
make a baby plant.

Sedum in the front porch planters.

Echeverria with a bloom

Rose Echeverria


We are thankful that the fruits of our
labor serve to feed us.
Hopefully we can continue in these next years.

When I first went out to weed this morning,
this little missy was sound asleep.

But, I should have known that
nothing gets by her.
Remember what curiosity did

Jesuit, our resident Blue Jay
came to visit this morning too.
He was only there to
grab some unattended cat food!


You surely can!



Saturday, June 1, 2024

May 31st

May is always a prolific month 
in our little garden!
It's also a time to make sure
we have the benefits of our
crops later on in the year as well.
I begin to dehydrate, can or cook
the veggies to preserve them.
It's also fun to come up with ways to incorporate
them in our daily meals.

All this since the very end of April!

We have several kinds of Cherry Tomatoes,
an heirloom Cherokee Purple Tomato,
Banana Peppers, Cubanelle Sweet Peppers,
Cucumbers, Onions and Eggplants.

This is a huge pot of Cherry Tomatoes
with some sweet peppers, onions and garlic.
I cook them in water, olive oil,
 and my herbal blend from 
last year. When they burst, I use
an immersion blender to emulsify
the pulp together with the liquid.
This pot equaled 2 quarts of tomato
sauce base that I froze for later use.
I also have the dehydrator running
daily with an assortment of veggies.

I dehydrate cucumbers to make chips.
We sprinkle them with some
seasoning before dehydrating
to make very tasty chips to snack on 
or add to a salad.
This photo is kind of deceiving.
Those bowls and the zip lock bag 
are 2 gallon containers!
The zip lock bag has all kinds of dehydrated
veggies awaiting the blender.
The process of making my yearly
herbal blend is to dehydrate,
then blend to a powdery consistency.
It's fun to combine herbs and vegetables 
for different tastes.




Cubanelle Sweet Peppers.

The new experiment,




Herb Garden.
I harvest the herbs about every 2 weeks.
Then I wash them and hang them to dry
before putting them into the dehydrator.

I guess cats love Zinnias.
Silly Minew.

This cute little plant is called Torenia.
The blooms are used in salads.

Mary's garden is still in the works.
It's been either too hot
or too rainy to complete.

Mint in pots.
Each pot has a different flavor of mint.

Dew clinging to a mint leaf.

Well, this month has been extremely hot
and wet. That's good for the plants.

It's given us some beautiful sunrises and sunsets,

and some drenching rain.
Now we pray that this hurricane season
goes easy on us down here.


Here's a very easy and tasty Eggplant recipe:

2 medium eggplants, peeled and cubed
1 cup of shredded Parmesano/Reggiano cheese
1 cup Italian flavored breadcrumbs
1 tablespoon garlic powder
2 beaten eggs

Place the cubed eggplant in the microwave
for 3 minutes to partially cook it.
Remove and toss.
Nuke the eggplant again for another 2 minutes
then remove and mash to drain any liquid.
In a bowl, add the eggplant, cheese, 
breadcrumbs and garlic powder.
Combine well.
Shape into patties and place on a greased
cookie sheet.
Bake at 400 degrees for about 15-20 minutes,
or until golden brown.

(can be air fried too - 400 degrees for 
5 minutes, then flip for 5 more minutes)

I used a ranch dressing,
but this would be great with
tzatziki sauce!
I'll have to make some.
