Our 1st watermelon!
It was ripe, but that one spot stayed white.
It was sweet and warm when we cut it,
because it had just fallen off the vine.
So, we ate the ripe parts and the hens
got the rind and the white part.
Bell Peppers
They are still growing well.
They always start later in the season.
The lavender is finally blooming.
I use the blooms in my soap and teas.
We make mint lavender honey tea. It's so good,
especially on a hot day.
Those blooms are on sweet basil and that's mint in the back.
Basil is so versatile, I harvest the blooms and the leaves to
use in my seasoning blends. I also make pesto with pecans.
Sounds odd but tastes great!
I love that the Lantana blooms are different colors.
Some come out more pink or red, but these
have the yellow, orange, pink blooms.
It's molting season!
This is Pepper.
She's trying to avoid the heat because she's almost bald.
She also doesn't like to be held.
I guess because the ends of the feathers are uncomfortable.
The yard looks like a pillow factory blew up!
We noticed small birds collecting the small feathers,
we guess to line their nests.
Nothing goes to waste.
Nugget getting a tomato snack.
This close up shows her new feathers growing in.
All 5 are in molt, but Pepper and Nugget have it worse.
Their comb and wattle get less bright - losing a bit of color,
and they don't lay eggs during this period.
Hazel is in the coop laying an egg and didn't want to be disturbed.
She's the only hen laying eggs lately.
Lucy and Ethel
I'm not promoting the sale of this toy,
I simply thought how odd it is.
It sings that inane song, "Baby Shark" and does tricks.
All this for $55.90 plus shipping.
Seriously, go to the website and see it.
and there's this......
Thought I'd close this post with my
poor efforts at Haiku...
It's about aging,
and it's pretty bad...
but here goes,
I am tired of aging.
Where has my hard earned money gone?
And I can't remember shit.
(at least it follows
5 - 7 - 5)
and just so you know...
This guy has my vote