Saturday, May 29, 2021

May 29th


A simple Thank You to all who
served in the military 
and made it back home to 
family and friends,
and a simple prayer for those who didn't.


I was reminiscing about the olden days.
By that, I mean, my olden days.
The technology that has been invented since
and is now in everyday use,
 is astounding.
Take the vacuum...
It used to be a beast that was unwieldy,
noisy and had a lot of attachments and cords.
there's this. 
A small device that can be controlled 
by computer, your Smart phone or Alexa!

Speaking of Alexa...
This would seem miraculous to someone
my age who was in a coma for 40 years!
If you connect all your Smart devices,
Alexa will run them with her robotic precision,
and quasi sentient personality.
I don't have either one of these devices.
I have a pretty good small vacuum
and as for Alexa,
she's me.
I do the turning on and off of appliances
and remembering appointments.
I just keep thinking of what I've read
in Isaac Asimov's
"I, Robot".
A cautionary tale?

Also gone is the need for an old transistor radio,
or any radio for that matter.
Your phone or Alexa has taken over that job.
Yes, I had one. It was either AM or FM.
That's it.
we loved to listen to the '60's music
coming out of that tinny sounding little speaker.
There's no need for records anymore either.
And no need for a record player or these
little discs to play your 45's.

Music has become digital too.

Now we have EBook technology.
I simply download whatever I want to read onto
my Nook and that's it.
I can go to Amazon, Barnes and Nobles
or my local library to get books.
if I didn't find the book I was looking for,
instead of going to an old card catalog,
there's Google!
Instant knowledge at my literal fingertips.
But it lacks the great smell of libraries and books!


Yesterday's harvest.
Cherry tomatoes, an artichoke
a few sprigs of broccoli and a handful of blueberries.
Some of the tomatoes, blueberries, broccoli
and the artichoke we ate in a salad.
I boiled the artichoke till tender
and sliced it in half with a sprinkling 
of italian dressing.

Herb harvest.
This is sweet basil, Thai basil, globe basil,
oregano, thyme, mint, lavender 
and rosemary.
This will go into my herbal blend.
Some will be added to my soap.

This is a Goats Milk Glycerin,
Sage, Rosemary, Lavender,
Marigold flowers and Gardenia flowers soap.
Smells great!

This soap is for my itchy spots.
It's Glycerin, Oatmeal, Aloe Vera,
Olive Oil and Calamine lotion.
You can't tell, but it's a pale pink color.

I have kinda sensitive skin and can't use some soap.
So, as a result, I make my own to use and give as gifts.
Same goes for the herbal blends for cooking.

A few more artichokes

There's 2 in this picture!

This is a baby bud!

Sweet onion flowers.

Brussels sprout buds.

More blueberries!

I eat a few on my cereal.
Love them, they're so sweet.

My baby Angel watching over the herb garden.

False Garlic.
This isn't edible but it's pretty.

It's loaded with flowers!
Hope we get a good harvest.


Ethel hiding under an eggplant leaf.
She thinks I can't see her.

Nugget, curious as ever.

Nugget and Lucy waiting for a blueberry treat.
Hazel was in the coop and asked not to be disturbed.


In that same vein of being old....
I can't remember passwords,
and when I have to keep changing them,
I have to write them down or
go through the damned CAPTCHA thing!
How do you explain that:
A) I'm NOT a robot
B) Yes, I am an idiot!


Self Checkouts.
Yes, I use them, but it seems that
their use takes away jobs
but, that's a discussion for another time.
So, in the interest of time,
I opt to check myself out.
do I get the lane that has only
1 person ahead of me
who can't grasp how to use a scanner???
Apparently she has never used one,
Never used a touch screen,
And is so slow that there are sloths
deep in the Amazon jungle
that move in speeds much faster
than she.
Glaciers recede faster.
So slow that Granny in her orthopedic shoes
 with her walker would scan that faster.

A neat recipe

Yogurt Pudding
1 package of sugar free Jello vanilla instant pudding,
(I've also used their French Vanilla)
1 cup of yogurt - any flavor, can be with fruit too.
1 cup of milk,
mix together and chill.
Makes 4 1/2 cup servings.
I've used Oui strawberry yogurt and 
put sliced strawberries in a layer in the pudding.
Oui blueberry yogurt with our blueberries.
Wow! it's so much creamier
and tastes great!

(I'm gonna try the chocolate with cherry yogurt next)



Friday, May 21, 2021

May 21st


Playing in the rain...
This was taken almost 5 years ago, 
but her enthusiasm of being in the rain
is catching!
There's nothing like dancing around catching
rain drops on your tongue!
Ah, to be a kid again....

At least young at heart....

I was in the veggie garden this morning, walking around
when the rain started to come down a bit harder.
I started to run under the patio,
when I realized -
I was already wet,
 so why not have a bit of fun?
You are never too old for that, right?
Some things don't seem to matter so much anymore.
You re-prioritize your life.
You come to realize life goes on and
maybe you've learned a thing or two in the passing years.
Your past uncertainties and anxieties
somehow seem small when looking
from the other end of the "age" binoculars.
It's now how you got to this place in life 
or what values you hold,
you just realize there's no chase to get there anymore.
You value experiences over possessions and people
who've shared those special times.
Patience is an undervalued trait.
As you age, you realize that
slow and steady actually did win that race.


We bought a half priced small cherry tomato
plant that wasn't doing so great.
well, look at it now!
I used the harvest of these tomatoes
in my ravioli dinner last night.

More cherry tomatoes in the raised beds.

A sweet onion flower.
I love to see them bloom!
Yes, you can eat the flower,
it's much milder than the onion.

Another artichoke.
We don't allow these to fully open
because this is actually the thistle flower.
If you wait too long to harvest it, 
it becomes hard and not edible.
But it is really pretty!


This morning's harvest.
A different artichoke and a handful
of blueberries from a few of our bushes.

A cauliflower nearing harvest time.

Globe basil

Thai, Sweet and Purple basil.

I caught these girls
(Lucy - black, and Nugget - red)
eating lichen off the fence.
I hadda check online to see if that
could harm chickens.
Can't be too sure after what happened to Pepper.
It's OK for them to eat.


(supposed to keep mosquitos away)


Bay Laurel, French and English lavender.

Asparagus Fern

Wood Fern

In the foreground is lantana
background is coleus and sweet potato plant,
with marigolds in the small pot.

My hen is patriotic!
that's Creeping Jenny
(with fake flowers - Ha!)

The tiny mailbox garden
has Gladiolus, this one's yellow,
Chrysanthemums and Marigolds.
All of these are shades of yellow/orange.

Stargazer Lily
There's a ton of buds about to bloom.
Yes, they stink, so these guys
won't be coming inside!
They small like cat urine - 


The other day a Mourning Dove
Kamikazee'd my kitchen window and
scared the bejeezus outta me!!
He's ok.
It stunned him for a moment,
and then he shook it off and flew away.


We plant several plants that have really
good PR about their abilities to repel mosquitos.
I'm here to tell you,
you've been lied to.
They do not repel anything.
Except chickens,
 chickens don't eat them.

I think when God made 
little green apples and other
cute things,
He should have double checked
with R&D.
We don't need mosquitos,
they bite,
they carry disease,
they annoy!
Maybe He could send a mosquito
plague to wipe them out?
Oh, and don't forget roaches too!
Just sayin'


"Do small things with great love."
Mother Theresa

Love ya,