Tuesday, December 7, 2021

December 7th

Today has been 80 years since the
United States was thrown into
a collective nightmare.
Yes, it's true that we were the last
of the major combatants to enter the war,
but this conflict really started in 1939 in Europe.
I saw a statistic that read,
for the 1,364 days of fighting,
the U.S. lost nearly 6,600 military
personnel per month!
That's staggering.
all told, the conservative estimate
of war casualties was
between 70 to 85 million,
or 3% of the world's population at that time.

Few people younger than myself,
have a parent or relative that
fought in WWII.
Even fewer are alive now that actually fought.

The bloodied fields and battle grounds
have grown over with grass or
been built up as housing complexes,
with no lingering echos of war.
I still get chills and get choked up
thinking of the sacrifices these
men and women made to
preserve freedom.
It also makes me wonder whether
in the current climate, would, 
the words of
Ralph Waldo Emerson's poem,
written during the Civil War, apply.
"When duty whispers low,
Thou must,
The youth replies, 
I can.

Never Forget


We are still getting a decent crop of bell peppers,
 hot peppers, cherry tomatoes
and lettuce.
The herbs are doing ok too.
I've been harvesting and drying 
marigold flowers and mint for my tea.
I use a heaping teaspoon in my tea infuser
with hot water and let it steep.
Marigolds are an ancient herbal medicine
used for its' anti-inflammatory properties.


The lettuce is looking wonderful!

We have many different varieties.
The thing with home-grown lettuce
is that it's not tasteless like
the stuff you buy,
it actually has great flavors.
I've been eating a home-grown salad
pretty much daily.
I add the lettuce, cherry tomatoes,
bell peppers, some green onion
and sprinkle with my dried herbs.
Yesterday's haul.

If I don't get to the bell peppers
quickly enough,
the chicken girls will eat them!
This is the leftovers from the 2nd one 
I found partly eaten on that bush.
They have no regrets!
That's Nugget and Lucy.

My entourage.
They follow and cluck or meow
till I acknowledge them with pats.
Ethel, Nugget and Hazel



The broccoli garden.
It's over a foot tall now!

A lonely survivor
of the artichoke harvest.

My baby rose that was
my Anniversary gift.
She's about to bloom.

We had an unwanted visitor yesterday.
A hawk!
He didn't really frighten the girls,
but the sparrows and house wrens
went scrambling for cover.

A side note...
This crazy weather is either
hot, cold, clear, cloudy, rainy or foggy,
and all in one week!
This is a picture of my drive home after dropping 
the kids at school yesterday morning.
The fog was literally rolling in towards
me as I was driving.
The closer I got to home, the foggier
it became!


I made up a new sandwich today.
I call it the BLOAT.
It's bacon, lettuce, onion, avocado and toast.
I hope it catches on!
Although its' been a few hours now
and I'm thinking it may live up to its' name.
I'll just go take a Tums.

Thought I'd share a really
easy and delicious
Garlic Cheddar Biscuit recipe

2 cups Bisquick
3/4 cup milk
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 cup shredded sharp cheddar

Oven to 450 degrees
Add all ingredients till well incorporated
Spray a cookie sheet with PAM or
line with parchement.
Scoop (I use an ice cream scoop) the
dough and place on cookie sheet,
not too closely together.
I usually add a sprinkling of
shredded cheese to the top.
Bake for 10 minuits.
Makes about 10 biscuits.
Note: I've doubled the recipe,
added bacon bits to the batter at times
and brushed the tops with melted butter
before serving, just to change it up.
These are great for dinner or with eggs for breakfast.


the hardest thing to say, to someone
is that you're
or "Pass the Worster sauce"
"the worstshire sauce"
"watrchessere sauce"
Be Nice!


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