Thursday, September 7, 2017

September 7th

The kids are getting anxious for Halloween.
Yes, I agree that its too early, but its kinda fun to decorate the house and tell scary stories and poems. We love to make up stories as well. The only criteria for these tales are that they have to begin with  "Once upon a time...." and end with "and they lived happily ever after." There's no "bad" endings that way.  The body of the story, however, is fair game.
We often do a set up too. That means someone begins with a particular idea and after a few minutes they hand it off to the next person to tie in to the story line. These are also fun. Zombies are a frequent theme around here. Although, when the kids were younger, the stories did take on a convoluted air. We'd have the story going off on some tangent. That's when Grammy had to steer them back to the original idea. Now that the kids are older, they get creative. I really should be writing some of their stuff down for posterity.

(A beautiful wallpaper picture of sunflowers. Looks so autumn)

In the vein of Ghost Stories, they've asked me if I believe in ghosts.
Good question.
Don't really know the answer to that. I mean, I've have had a few ODD occurrences happen to me that I can't explain, but I'm not really ready to commit totally to believing in ghosts. I think that I would like to believe and have the possibility to communicate with departed friends and relatives, but I just think that once you're dead, you're dead. End of story.

To elaborate on the ODD occurrences......
The first time something like that happened to me, I was 17. My Grandmother had recently passed away in our house, in the kitchen actually. She lived with us ever since I could remember. Every time my sister or I would be sick, she'd come into our room and gently touch our foreheads to check for a temperature. This particular night I had a cold, complete with a temperature and was trying to sleep. I had spent most of the night coughing and blowing my nose. I had my eyes closed when I heard a scuffling of shoes on the linoleum floor in the hall outside my bedroom. I remember thinking that it sounded like my Grandmother's gait in her scruffy slippers. I waited for a bit but didn't hear it again. Then, just as I was dozing off, I felt a gentle touch to my forehead. Instead of being a frightening ordeal, I was profoundly comforted by it.
The second time was after I was broadsided in an accident in my '67 Volkswagen Beetle. I was 23 this time. I don't remember the accident at all, however, I do remember looking down on myself from about several feet above while I was still in the car, bleeding from a cut to my head. I saw myself slumped over against the drivers side window. My eyes were closed and I wasn't moving. I remember looking at the door handle and noting it was covered in blood. I felt nothing. No pain. No fear. It just felt like I was floating. My next memory is awakening in a hall outside the emergency room of the hospital and attempting to sit up on a gurney. There was blood everywhere and I had an excruciating headache. I had a concussion, assorted cuts, bruises and a broken right ankle. My car was towed back to our house. When I was able to walk, I went to check on the blood in the car and it was just as I had seen it.
The third thing is a quick dark or gray movement that seems like a play of light or a trick of the eye. Its happened for about four or so years now. Its usually when I'm home alone reading quietly while sitting on the couch, but its happened when the entire family is around too. I'll notice, what seems like someone has walked into and out of my line of sight, but I can't seem to make out anything of substance. I thought it was my eyes, but as funny as this seems, I think my dog sees it too. She'll follow the movement as I do. Whatever it is never feels threatening. I've never mentioned this to anyone before. They'd think I'm crazy!

On a different note..... I took this picture of the full moon last night.
Yeah, I know.
Can't really see it.
I tried waiting for the clouds to clear, but they never did. It was pretty breezy though. Felt great!
The Native American name for this September moon is "Full Corn Moon". That sounds so Disney, but it is totally real.

Had to add a picture of the Hens.
That's Sandy, Ethel, Nugget and Pepper waiting for a handout.
We checked to see if the girls would eat Cheerios.
The answer to that burning question is a resounding YES!
Seems to me that since they eat bugs, frogs, lizards and even their own feathers at times, they certainly do not have a discerning palate.
Can't close without a cool Halloween picture
At least this has a full moon shot!

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