Monday, November 19, 2018

November 19th

Today is National "Play Monopoly Day".
What a relief!
I thought today would never come.
I've waited all year for this!!
But seriously, who thinks this stuff up?
Its also "World Toilet Day".
Now this is off the charts, ridiculous.
(but I love that somebody thought it up)
As much time as humans spend on out respective toilets,
we should devote a whole day to them.
I'm unsure of how to celebrate though.
I'm sure after my coffee, I'll come up with a
suitable way to thank the toilet gods.
But seriously, its actually meant to bring awareness to
unsafe sanitation globally.
The United Nations came up with this "holiday"
several years ago.
The site says ".... approximately 4.5 billion people
live without safely managed sanitation and about 892
million practice open defecation."
Open. Defecation.
Thank God I was born in a flushing toilet nation!
Oh, and their 2012 slogan was "I give a shit, do you?"
I shit you not!


Kids are home from school,
People are putting up Christmas decorations,
Fed Ex is delivering........
Wish I'd have thought of Amazon.
EVERY DAY in my neighborhood, is a delivery day.
Stores have safe locked storage boxes to store your purchases till
you can retrieve them.
WalMart has online grocery shopping.
Used to be that only the Sears catalog was my Mom's
"online" (phone), mail order place.
I'm outta my element.
My generations' dinosaur ways are slowly leaving the citizen consciousness.
Mind you, I do dislike shopping, but
I also like to peruse the aisles when I'm looking for a gift.
I might find something awesome.
But, you can argue, and rightly so, that I can find a plethora
of "awesome" stuff online.
And, I'd have to agree.
Its just that my "old ways" find themselves entrenched
in my psyche and adopting new ways has been an adventure
in my continuing tech education.
So, as a result, I rely on my kids and grandkids.
If I were a Jeopardy category,
I'd be "Antediluvian Organisms", for $200 Alex!


On the chicken front.......
Yay! They've started laying again.
A small start, but a start nonetheless.
yesterday's output.

I don't know if they understand the concept of humans eating fowl
on Thanksgiving, but something finally motivated them,
and it surely wasn't my incessant pep talks.
I know its only 3, but we'll take what we can get at this point.

                                           Chicken 101
As the days get shorter, hens typically lay less.
They cycle an egg around every 24 to 36 hours, but
they always lay more when the days are warm and longer.
Unlike a human female, we are born with a certain allotment
of eggs for our entire life.
(That's why it is more difficult to conceive at an older age.)
Not so for hens. They just keep producing eggs till they are
about 6 to 8, years old.
They can produce a clutch of chicks well into their advanced ages.
Our girls however, will never have a fertilized egg.
(a good thing for us!)


bell pepper
We noticed that the bell peppers, the tomatoes and mirlitons,
have been in bloom.
We were waiting to see if they'd produce,
and they have.
Now, if we can keep the hens from snacking on the baby veggies....
Came across this recipe on Pinterest.
I'm going to try it.
(don't know about the 101proof bourbon,
but I'll use what we have)

hug your family.
Tell them how much you love them,
you may not get another chance.

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