Monday, March 23, 2020

March 23rd

Beautiful Louisiana irises.
The world is falling apart,
but it's spring.
Flowers are blooming,
veggies are ripening
and the world is still turning.
We are alive and healthy.
These little things in my currently
closed off world, make me happy.
It's been 10 days since I've actually
been anywhere.
I walked around the block in 
the early morning hours,
with almost no one around,
and occasionally waved at passers by 
(with a wave that would rival
the Queens!)
I haven't been tooling around in my car.
it's surprisingly peaceful.
So, I'm not having a "cabin fever"

The CEO and I have spent a lot of
time in our gardens, harvesting, planting
and weeding.
This is the yield during last week.
Not to mention... 2 to 3 eggs per day.
I cooked all of it, or in the case of some
of the broccoli,
ate some raw in a salad.
I also made refrigerator pickles
from 1 of the mirlitons.


These 2 heads made casseroles
 that I froze for use this week.

More of our crops....
Carrot seedlings


Collard greens - for the hens

Cucumbers with several flowers 

Far back is zucchini and near the
front is yellow summer squash


Blueberries - not ripe yet

This plant looks intimidating,
it's not.
The leaves are soft, and it's huge!


These are the cherry kind

This is a hybrid tomato with loads of blooms.
We also have Creoles with flowers.

Some flowers...

More Petunias

Dahlias just poking their heads up.

No clue of their color,
so we'll be surprised!


Here's a "did you know" trivia question.
Which plants of the above pictured ones
are in the same family?
Answer: Its the Nightshade family.
Many members contain potent 
alkaloids that are highly toxic,
but many are used as food.
Ours are; Potato, Tomato, Eggplant and Bell Peppers.
The petunia is also a nightshade,
but you can't eat it!


He decided yesterday that several of the trees
needed to be trimmed.
So, this morning, the sunlight
was relentlessly streaming
into the kitchen windows!
If I wasn't fully awake before, now I am.

These 2 guys visited for a while.
They even stayed put while I drank tea
under the patio.
They aren't intimidated by the 
chicken girls.

and speaking of chickens,
Pepper and Nugget
say Hi!
and stay safe and well!

On a sad note...
last year this time, 
our special dog Leia,
was entering her last struggle.
Still miss you girl!

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