Saturday, December 12, 2020

December 12th

Wouldn't it be nice if this simple sentiment
was the norm instead of the exception?
If I can't make that happen, 
I can at least make peace 
on my little corner of this Earth.
Maybe, by turning off the news,
or just getting what I need from a daily telecast
or my paper, I can stay informed.
That way I won't stress over the global
things I can do nothing about.
I'm inherently leery of any 24/7 news channels.
After all, isn't it all about ratings for them?
Maybe, by slowing down and appreciating
the simple pleasures in life.
Want less of the material things and
cherish the things I have.
Remember that song lyric that says'
"The best things in life are free"?
So true.
We just need to make room for the real treasures.
Give more than you get,
Love more than you can,
Live with a lighter heart,
Have a wonderful life.


I was wondering why the custom of kissing
under a ball of mistletoe was even a thing.

It's Anglo-Saxon name was mistaltan.
Meaning "mistal" or "dung"
and "tan" or "twig".

Mistletoe is essentially poisonous.
It least the little white berries are,
especially to pets and kids.
It can't kill humans, but it can cause
drowsiness, blurred vision,
vomiting and seizures.

Its' a really weird little plant.
Mistletoe is a parasite that gets into
trees from bird droppings and takes root
by spreading itself under the bark
of the tree and forming tight little balls.
This will eventually kill the host tree.
If you want to rid the tree of it, you can't
just pull it off the tree like Spanish Moss,
you have to cut the entire limb off.

(An odd side note - mistletoe has been
used in the UK and Europe for years
as an alternative cancer treatment,
by decreasing the after effects of chemo, 
it's not FDA approved in the US)

In old Norse and Druid mythology,
mistletoe was used to ward off witches.
They hung it over doorways and windows 
year round.

So here's how the kissing part started...
In Norse mythology, Balder, the son of
Odin and Frigg, was prophesied to die, his mom
Frigg (goddess of love), went to all the
plants and animals in the world to 
get their oath that they wouldn't harm him.
she forgot to make that particular request 
of the lowly dung twig,
mistletoe plant.
So, scheming god Loki,
made an arrow from a mistletoe plant
and killed Balder.
It's not clear why he did this.
I guess if you are Loki, you don't need a reason.
This is Tom Hiddleston
as Loki in the Marvel Universe movies.
(just a visual aid - 😉)

Frigg, with a broken heart,
vowed that from then on
mistletoe would be a symbol of love
and all who passed under it would plant a kiss.
Neat story.
But, fast forward to Victorian times....
some desperate marriage minded misses
(ooh, alliterations!)
who were destined to become old maids,
would trap a prospective husband under
the mistletoe, allow him to kiss her
in full view of all and then demand
he marry her to protect
her good name,
because he "took advantage"
with a freely offered kiss.
(I think he might have needed a lawyer)
Now, those chivalrous times held
that a lady's reputation must be
kept pristine.
So, as you can guess...
 the guys
avoided it like a plague!


Chicken girls 
searching for bugs.
They slept in this morning
because of the rain.
Now it's search and destroy mode.
That's Lucy, Ethel and Nugget.

Pepper, eyeballing me.
I was chattering on about the poor egg
production. We are only averaging one egg a day.
They seem to understand but,
they never really listen.

Hazel taking a dust bath in the sun.

Ethel watching me pick bell


Some of the peppers.

Mustard greens

Nugget eating the mustard greens

Tomato bushes, 
no flowers yet.



The herbs are still doing well.
I harvest a bit from them
every 2 weeks or so, to give
them time to sprout again.
Then I dry it and use it in my herbal blend.


I made some small pies
with store bought pie crusts.
Way easier that way.
I rolled it out and used a large
flower shaped cookie cutter.
Placed it in a sprayed muffin tin,
and filled with low sugar preserves.
The swirl on some was leftover
pie crusts.
I did it again with left over dirty rice.
(no picture)
Spooned it in the "cup" and topped with
a square of cheddar.
My grandson loved them!


I understand the fun of a labyrinth,
but this screams of a hypothermic death
and being found after the first thaw!
Of course, I'd bring an ice ax along,
just in case...
No, scratch that...
I'd never enter it,
waaaay too cold!!


and remember,

you are not required to set yourself
on fire to keep others warm.
