Friday, April 14, 2017

Good Friday 4/14

The gardenias are going crazy!
Their beautiful fragrant, waxy, blooms are bursting! Its past time for the amaryllis, they are in seed mode now.
I came outside to sit on the patio and read, but was assaulted by the loud Spanish music from the neighbors'. Ugh! Its not that the music is Spanish, its that it is loud and incessant! I forgot about their crawfish boil on Good Friday. It happens like clockwork that they throw a loud raucous party on holidays that last well into the late nighttime hours. A shame that some people have no idea how crass and insensitive it is.
Here is my rant!
Why, when homes are relative close to each other, do some people feel the need to encroach on the tranquility of an otherwise beautiful day/afternoon/night?
It wouldn't be an issue, except that this particular neighbor has been doing this for years. They've been asked kindly to turn down the noise and the police have been called in the past, as well. All to no avail. Now, I wish I had superpowers, I'd throw an electromagnetic pulse and knock out their power or at least practice some kind of mind control!
I sit here writing this as my foot taps to the damned catchy mariachi beat! Oh!gawd! They've broken out the karaoke machine!!! Time to surrender my not so idyllic seat on my patio.

1 comment:

Sue said...

I can't complain about noise from neighbors as I was not a good neighbor on Carmenere. We always had parties and loud music.