Thursday, April 13, 2017

Chicken Scratch and other random ideas

Today I created my first Blog!  My son joked that it should be a "brog" after the sound our chickens make!  So excited to share my random musings with the world.

Hens: Otherwise known as the girls. We have 5 chickens. Hens. No boys, no fertile eggs! No cock-a doodle-doo as an ersatz alarm clock in the wee hours of the morning either! They are 2 New Hampshire Reds - Pepper and Nugget, 2 Ameraucana Pullets - Hen Solo, AKA Henny and Colonel Sanders, AKA Sandy (in the interest of not creating a sexist environment, she's got the gender neutral name) and lastly there's Hazel the Black Australorps. They certainly have a "hen" hierarchy. Nugget has arisen to the "head chick".  There is certainly something to be said about pecking order. Nugget was the first to lay and she is usually the first out of the coop most days. We love watching the girls peck around the yard.


Whoowho said...

Chickens r awesome. Say more about Pepper

Sue said...

Love it!! So proud of you!