Wednesday, May 24, 2017

May 24th or day 144 on the Gregorian calendar

The weather is beautiful today, makes you glad to be alive and not at work! The gentle breeze is stirring up the wonderful smells of the herb garden. So peaceful.
and the temperature isn't too shabby either.
I hear the girls clucking to be let out of the coop. Whenever they hear the back door open they start in a chicken chorus. Thankfully it is never really loud, but it is consistent. They all gather in tight formation right by the door, and burst out with a flapping of wings, when it is opened.
Only collected 2 eggs this morning. A couple of the girls prefer to lay later on in the day, I'll check back later.........

Then, in their zeal to get out, poop. Its an unfortunate byproduct of chickens (actually, I'll say that its an unfortunate byproduct of living things!!) In my line of work I deal in body "byproducts" all the time, so I'm not squeamish about poop. (Jeez! Makes me sound like I work for a covert operation of the CIA or the city morgue!) We let the chicken poop it dry, sweep it away then hose it off.
Its great for compost, but not so great on your shoes. If you step in it, you feel like Andy Dufresne on taco Tuesday!
You know the phrase, "Madder than a wet hen"? Well, I'm here to say that it is unequivocally true. I was watering the garden, when I accidentally hosed the hens. They shrieked and ran off to just out of hose range. Then the clucking chorus really amped up!
I told them I was sorry, but nooooo. They surely do hold a grudge!
This is Curly parsley. Doing great on a east facing windowsill
Lemon balm. This makes a great green tea. Just add some mint and stevia and let it steep.
I noticed a few blooms on the strawberries. Now here's hoping the girls don't eat my strawberries again.
The kumquat tree is blooming with fruit still on it.

There's another small 'choke. This plant is proving to be really prolific. We have several more artichokes around the garden, but none are blooming but this one.
I was going out to read - my most favorite "chill out" thing to do, when I asked Leia if she'd accompany me. She flatly refused. She said that she certainly wasn't going out there when the girls were out and about. They love her. A bit too much at times, but love her they do! Wherever she goes, they follow - like the Pied Piper. When she's had enough, she stands at the back door waiting to go back in.
I settled in a patio chair with my Nook, preparing to dig into a new mystery novel, and I look down and I'm surrounded by chickens. They are so sociable. I'm thinking, how cute. Then I do my mental count.......1,2,3,4..... where is Hen Solo? I look around and do not immediately see her. I've heard stories of opossums and hawks killing chickens, so I get up and look around for her. "Hen Solo! Here chick, chick!" Then I see her......
parked on the edge of the Chicken Spa. (AKA top of old bird bath) Wow, that's the life. I guess now I've become part of the flock. What a menagerie we have? Humans, canine and fowl. I absolutely love it!
Thought of the day: Try to have at least one "lazy day" per week. It helps to reduce stress, high blood pressure, possibility of stroke and heart disease. Also, animals help to reduce it too :)


Sue said...

Enjoyed this one, too!

Unknown said...

Great blog! At first I thought Hen Solo was an only chicken, but then I got the Stars Wars reference!

EarthMother said...

Thanks Mike! Love to hear comments.