Monday, May 8, 2017

5/8 Monday (star date 305650.9)

All, is calm...... I really mean that. To quote the Supremes weather report, "No wind, no rain, no winter's cold". Not even a slight breeze stirring. Could be worse, not too badly warm yet.
Things are beginning to produce. We cut the 1st artichoke and ate it. Delist! There are 6 more on the stalk.
Been eating the tomatoes too. Weed 'em and reap!
the small purple things are blueberries. They were also eaten quickly. :)

We have another hen laying, Hazel.
She's the proud producer of the blue green egg.
They cluck and walk in circles, around like they are in need of a laxative. Then go into the roost and sit awhile. They also seem to have a preference for certain roost boxes, so they'll line up outside in a kind of holding pattern waiting to sit.

The kale is coming back strong. In the background is romaine lettuce - purple and green.
Next to that is our pineapples. Hope they grow well this year. Didn't do so hot last year.

The mallard is back, and he's brought 2 females. Show off!
The menagerie tolerates the addition. No squabbles today. The dog prefers the cool inside, so she stood by the back door till I let her back in. Aloof indifference.

The herb garden is getting ready for a "Hair cut". I've already got a bunch of rosemary and mint drying. Pictured is 2 types of oregano - Greek and golden, and sage.  The Thai basil has a beautiful purple flower. It is edible as well. It has a peppery taste. Delicious in soup or salad.

and, another strawberry poking its little head out! Trouble is, they just don't produce enough. I think there's only been 4 or 5.
Hope to get out in the garden again tomorrow. 
...........Mocking bird in the bush, not in the hand, update!
Here's her hungry babies.


Sue said...

Another good one!

Sue said...

I have been posting comments. Hope you are getting them!

EarthMother said...

Yep, I'm getting them. Thanks. I believe that you are the only one following - Ha! At least I can count on you! Hugs.

Unknown said... farmer parents!