Sunday, June 25, 2017

June 25th

Today is a milestone in my life. I'm 65. 65! I'd also like to say, Happy Anniversary, to the 3 pairs of jeans hanging at the back of my closet. They quietly hang there in silent reminder that I'll never get back into them, but, still, I remain eternally optimistic. Sixty five used to seem so old, when I thought about it from the long ago distance of my 20's. I almost feel like I did when I graduated high school - I'm beginning something that's yet to be seen. Treading these waters won't be easy. In some sense, I feel the regrets of an unfulfilled dream, but in others I realize that those dreams can still be attained. I just need not sweat the small stuff and focus on what makes me happy. If you Google/Bing "How does it feel to turn 65?" All you get, is a sea of Medicare sites. That's daunting in itself! But I sailed on in my search. There are many articles of unrequited lives lead by sad people, but there are an equal amount of the savvy senior doing what they've always dreamed of and their successes. So, armed with a new sense of self,  I pull my aching shoulders back, lock my painful knees and step into my uncertain future!
Away I go.........

Today in history. I remember the first color TV my Mom bought. It was amazing! I had just wished that she'd have bought it when Ed Sullivan had the Beatles on. Maybe my Grandmother wouldn't have been so cynical about those "boys needing a haircut!" Speaking of which..........
How serendipitous is this? I love the Beatles! They came to City Park Stadium (as it was called then) on September 16th, 1964. The price of admission? The exorbitant fee of $5.00!!! Waaaay too much, as my Mom repeatedly told me. I begged, to no avail. She was the original "Immovable Object". When she said "No!"
It was, No!
So, sadly, my sister, friends and I had to settle for our '45's played on a portable phonograph. A poor representation, in my opinion. I really had to hang onto that sullen pre-teen angst.
My bucket list dream, is to own a log cabin. Ha! What a ridiculous dream. Anyway, I'd at least like to vacation in one - near a stream, kinda secluded, so I don't hear any neighbors. As you've probably already guessed, I'm an introvert. I'd also like to do the vacation in the winter, so its snowing. That should get it out of my system.
I figured out the input/output and costs: (sorta)
INPUT : each chicken cost $4.99. We have 7. I'll let you do the math, I've got the rest figured out. They eat approximately $28.00 of food per month (that's including table scraps of veggies) and drink about 3.5 gallons of water.
OUTPUT: about 5 to 7 eggs per day. The going price for organically raised, naturally colored, chicken eggs, is $5.00 per dozen. They do poop quite a bit, but its recycled into the compost heap. It can also be sold at around $25.00 per 25 pound bags.
So, class, as you can see, this endeavor is self sustaining. Yes, its a bit messy and requires some work, but the CEO and I have agreed to take it on. It may, at some point, bring some small income as well. The big plus is that, it is fun and the girls make us happy! (goes back to my original plan)
My dear friend, who is like my sister, sent this text.
This is her masterpiece of culinary art! She and my sister are great cooks! I don't excel, in that area. :(
and she made scratch biscuits!
Yum! I can only imagine how well her whole house smelled after cooking these all day!!!
Now for a small rant..............
Last week, after work, I stopped at Wendy's. It seems, covert satellites can pinpoint my whereabouts, the CIA can hack my phone and online accounts and whatever the hell the Black Net is, it can get my personal info, but at the drive up window, they can't freaking hear me say,  "2, dollar menu burgers, with extra onions"
Just sayin'

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

June 20th

Today is National Hike With A Geek Day - I must confess, I originally read it as, Hike With a Greek Day. I was going to call my son and daughter-in-law, to tell them to make today an annual thing, as she is Greek. Then I thought, how "Emily Litella" of me! Never mind........

Its also the beginning of storm season. The local media has been doing their best to whip up concern regarding the latest depression in the Gulf. I think weather people live for storms. They seem to all come to the studio to jostle for air time. I guess, since Katrina, they see every disturbance as a potential for an Edward R Murrow Award. I'm cynical. Its not that I don't see the urgency, its just that I think its a bit much. There will soon be "runs" on staples at the grocery stores too. Oh well, humans need something to worry about........
And, I guess, it could be a legitimate concern for those areas without levee protection. Each storm eats away at those lower coasts.
On the home front, all 7 of the girls seem to be getting along. The 2 new ones, Lucy and Ethel, are gaining weight and seem to love it here. They were skinny, cowering little things when they first got here. Ethel had a bare spot on her butt where she had been "hen pecked". That area is clearing up.


Leia isn't having any of the rainy weather. She absolutely hates going out in the rain. I mean, she's really gotta go, to go out in the rain! I'm calling her, "Come on girl. Do you have to go outside?" "Lets go!" This is her response. Look at me for a second,then ignore the human.

The weird little triplet finally ripened. I was waiting patiently to come home from work to eat it. Well, it wasn't where I had last seen it. I looked all over the kitchen - no Mickey tomato. I accuse the CEO, and he, in a conditioned response, says,
"I didn't eat it!" "It wasn't me!".
Now, there are 2 other possibilities: 1)The dog. Unlikely. She doesn't typically counter surf. Plus, she doesn't look guilty. That's usually a dead give away.
                                                   2)The number 2 son. I stalk him as he leaves the bathroom......
"Did you eat my tomato?!"
"Huh?" "What tomato?"
(Ah ha! I've got him now!)
"My Mickey tomato"
"Your Mickey tomato???"
(he's smiling. my detection skills are amazing)
"I was waiting to eat the Mickey one, to see how it was joined, but you beat me to it"
"Wow, Mom, I didn't know you were sentimentally attached to that tomato. I did eat it, but we have many more for you to love like Mickey"
(damn kids.......)
Anyway, it turns out that it wasn't a true triplet, it was 3 individuals. Sadly, I now begin my search for another Mickey....   :(

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

June 14th Flag Day

In honor of flag day, we've got about 9 small flags adorning the front of the house.

This painting is especially beautiful to me. It's of Yosemite's Half Dome. Awe inspiring site!
Our vacation there last year was one of the best places I've ever been.
Yesterday, as the CEO collected eggs, he dropped one. So much for the old adage, "don't put all your eggs in one basket". He hurriedly cleaned it up. We don't want the girls to develop a taste for eggs!
The 2 new girls, Lucy and Ethel are coming along fine.

This is the baby "Lucy". She's still a bit intimidated by the other girls, but she's younger by far. She likes to cuddle and then falls asleep. Every time I put her down, she tried to hop back up into my lap. Silly girl.
The tomatoes are starting to ripen fast. I wash and cut them and then lay them in the dehydrator. The left is a before and the right is an after. In this damp weather it may take a bit longer to completely dehydrate, but on the whole, it's usually around 6 to 8 hours. I then put them in a zip lock type bag to keep moisture out.
huge beets!
I guess chicken poop in the compost heap does work wonders! We ate them last night. I boiled them, then served with butter. Very tasty! I kept the tops to replant. Hopefully we'll get another beet crop.
These are cucumbers, or as the CEO likes to call them, the pickle plant.
With these, I just wash them well, and place in the fridge, in a pickle jar. I save the pickle juice from a large jar. It really doesn't matter if the original pickles were sweet or dill, its simply your taste. The family typically likes the dill ones. In a few weeks, you've got pickles. Simple as that!
Egg production has increased. They taste so good! Even the dog gets an egg in her breakfast bowl.
The Mallards have come to visit again. They've taken to scoping out the area first by doing a bit of high level reconnaissance. Then, if the coast is clear, they fly in for a landing.
Meet Lucy. All she wants to do is be held. Its so funny. I guess you'd call her a "lap chicken". This is her selfie. She's chirping like a little bird. Chicken lips, you ask? Nope.
She's doing an Al Pacino impression. "You talking to me? Well I'm the only one here!"
Thought for the day.......
We put a man on the moon before they put wheels on freaking luggage!
Just saying..............

Saturday, June 10, 2017

June 10th

Today in 1752, Ben Franklin flew his kite in a storm. Judy Garland was born on this date, and today is National Yo Yo Day.
So, now you are well informed. :)
The weather is beautiful. The chickens are loving' it. We've had them parading around the yard since early this morning.
The CEO informed me that we expanded the flock by 4 more feet. He got 2 French Cuckoo Marans. They are a breed that lays chocolate colored eggs. (it'd be awesome if they layed ACTUAL chocolate eggs!) anyhoo...... they are a bit too young yet.
We are trying to acclimate them to us, humans, the rest of the girls, and the dog.
Its a bit slow so far, but chickens are naturally curious and have that flock mentality, so, hopefully it won't take much longer.
Meet Lucy and Ethel
This is Ethel - her first selfie. You can see that her wattle and comb are small yet. They need to get bigger before she's old enough to lay eggs.
 Say hello to my little friend.
They have several feather colors. Black, brown and white.

and funny, fuzzy, feathered feet. (I love alliteration)
This is Lucy napping at my feet. I'm the chicken whisperer!
The rest of the girls are clamoring for a taste of the CEO's toast.
a baby watermelon
hope it does well....
I found this wonderful John Denver song. Look it up on you tube............
here's a tip........
Expiration dates on bottled water are for the bottle, not the water in it.
Who knew?
Gotta go, somebody wants to play.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

June 7th. 2.0

I forgot to share another couple of pictures........ again, from my son and daughter-in-law.....

This is Cathedral Park in Portland. The supports of the bridge look like a church nave. If you zoom in on the last picture, on the far side of the bridge, it looks like a stained glass window, but it's just the other side of the river. A work of art. Beautiful. Enjoy

June 7th

It's National June Bug Day! Don't know if I knew what a June bug looked like, but I found a picture.
I didn't think it'd look like a scarab beetle, but its kinda cute.
This is the first day that I'm able to get out into the garden in about a week. Its been non-stop raining. That's pretty typical for "these here parts", but its a bit too much rain..... Some of the veggies aren't doing so hot.

Nice weather for ducks. I took this shot in the rain, on Monday June 5th.
As I said, some of the veggies took a beating in the rain and the weeds are growing overtime.
these are beets in the foreground and the remnants of the lettuce.
this is Greek oregano, thyme and mint. They certainly liked the rain.
those many blooms on the kumquat tree, have turned into baby kumquats. The tree is covered in them.
the cherry tomatoes....
today's haul.... there are even 2 okra. Oh, and 3 eggs too.  Yay!
As a nurse, I find humor in the gross stuff...........
When your Mama's a nurse: "Just stop crying and I'll put a Band Aid on it!"
When a patient's family brings a big ass box of Krispy Kremes!
I told you I hate giving enemas!
When the family member comes to the nurses station to complain about something and asks the staff,  "Who is the nurse for my mother?"
an illustration of physical and music therapy.
With that, I'll quote Joni Mitchell at Woodstock, "got to get ourselves back to the garden......."

Sunday, June 4, 2017

June 4th - National Cheese Day!

I'm alarmed that the big box stores didn't go all out in the promotion of Cheese Day, maybe its only done so in Wisconsin.....
I also missed the Billy Joe McAllister Memorial Day yesterday. I was out picking cotton and my brother was bailing hay...... The 3rd of June. Another sleepy dusty Delta day. No. Wait! We don't have cotton growing and I don't have a brother. Sorry, I got carried away.
Its been overcast and rainy. :(

Doing my usual garden rounds with the girls following my every step.

We got a load of mud and with the recent rain, there were a significant amount of puddles. Who knew chickens like puddles. A few of the puddles were drying up. There were several areas where we noticed chicken prints. If I leave this alone for 130 million years maybe we'll get a raptor fossil!!
Tempted to leave one on the bush to see the flower. They really are quite beautiful. I wonder who first thought "Yeah, let me try to eat this prickly thing, and then see how my colon reacts."
Yellow Squash blossoms
Bell Peppers
Banana Peppers
Mandarin Orange Bush
Then, I made my way over to the tomatoes. The chickens were pecking around the bushes for insects. The cherry tomatoes are really producing. I found this little "triplet" on one of the bushes. Reminds me of Mickey Mouse. I'll post a picture when it begins to ripen.
Another picture from Seattle area, from my son and daughter in law.
Its of children walking freshly shorn alpacas and llamas. Odd? Yes. But they're so cute!
Another oddity: A whistling woman and a crowing hen will always come to no good end. I have absolutely no idea what this is in reference to. The obscurity has been lost to time. Just thought it was funny.