Sunday, June 4, 2017

June 4th - National Cheese Day!

I'm alarmed that the big box stores didn't go all out in the promotion of Cheese Day, maybe its only done so in Wisconsin.....
I also missed the Billy Joe McAllister Memorial Day yesterday. I was out picking cotton and my brother was bailing hay...... The 3rd of June. Another sleepy dusty Delta day. No. Wait! We don't have cotton growing and I don't have a brother. Sorry, I got carried away.
Its been overcast and rainy. :(

Doing my usual garden rounds with the girls following my every step.

We got a load of mud and with the recent rain, there were a significant amount of puddles. Who knew chickens like puddles. A few of the puddles were drying up. There were several areas where we noticed chicken prints. If I leave this alone for 130 million years maybe we'll get a raptor fossil!!
Tempted to leave one on the bush to see the flower. They really are quite beautiful. I wonder who first thought "Yeah, let me try to eat this prickly thing, and then see how my colon reacts."
Yellow Squash blossoms
Bell Peppers
Banana Peppers
Mandarin Orange Bush
Then, I made my way over to the tomatoes. The chickens were pecking around the bushes for insects. The cherry tomatoes are really producing. I found this little "triplet" on one of the bushes. Reminds me of Mickey Mouse. I'll post a picture when it begins to ripen.
Another picture from Seattle area, from my son and daughter in law.
Its of children walking freshly shorn alpacas and llamas. Odd? Yes. But they're so cute!
Another oddity: A whistling woman and a crowing hen will always come to no good end. I have absolutely no idea what this is in reference to. The obscurity has been lost to time. Just thought it was funny.

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