Tuesday, August 1, 2017

August 1st

Today is World Wide Web Day and National Raspberry Cream Pie Day too. Although, I partake of the charms of the WWW pretty much daily, I have never, in my life, tried a raspberry cream pie. I don't think I've ever seen one either...... I'll seek to rectify that omission.

Back to the WWW, or at least, back to this blog entry.

It seems that everyone is talking about the solar eclipse on August 21st. In the New Orleans area it will peak at 1:29pm, when the moon will obscure 75% of the sun. That's going to be quite a bit. I plan to be outside looking at the eclipse through a pin hole in cardboard and a mirror. I don't want any further damage to my eyes.
My son will be in Oregon to get one of the best views.
The garden isn't doing so well lately. Plants have been destroyed by caterpillars and other bugs. Sadly, several of the tomato plants didn't make it through that onslaught. The ones that did, look healthy so far.
I was going to the patio to read, but the minute I opened the back door, the girls came running. They are so curious. Their incessant clucking makes reading kinda impossible.
So, I decided to talk to them.
They weren't interested in the upcoming eclipse, so I tried a joke.
They weren't interested in the reason chickens cross roads. So I tried another one. Why do chicken coops have two doors? Because if they had four doors it would be a chicken sedan...........   crickets....... Is this thing on?
My attempt at humor was lost on their little pollo brains.
All seven girls were sitting under the table or under my chair. Sandy was the first to get bored. She went snooping around the yard for bugs when she saw a grub in the grass. She brought it onto the patio. Probably to show it off to the others. They are vindictive like that. Not into sharing at all.
The rest of the girls jumped up to get a chance at that poor small bug. They broke the land speed record for chickens!
They all eyed it, licking their lips - (OK, so chickens don't have lips. Well, they eyed it like kids about to eat a Happy Meal).
 They eat like hippos with tapeworms. 
All that eating = pooping.
 Its part of the "circle of life"
Sandy waited till the other girls were almost there and scooped that tasty grub up!
 Like the seagulls in Finding Memo.
Mine! Mine! Mine!
(see how I finessed Disney into that?)
Ethel and Lucy on bug patrol.
I think the phrase "eagle eyes" is a misnomer.
"Chicken Eyes" is more appropriate.

For the love of Elvis!
They never stop eating!
They are looking for earthworms while the CEO attempts to turn over the compost.
Oh, well, all that natural food makes for great farm fresh butt nuggets! (Eggs)
Night is coming on.
The girls are walking back to the roosts.
 They look like prisoners coming in from the yard.
Single file.
I'm getting tired too.
Ya know, I was born to be wild!
(but only till 9pm or so.....)


EarthMother said...

Caught a typo, obviously it's "Finding Nemo", but Memo has a ring to it....... a certain je ne sais quoi - LOL! Not even sure what exactly that means.

Sue said...

I guess you don't have the blue, but clear, Hubig Pie ashtray, huh? Remember grandma said we could look at the eclipse if we looked through that ashtray?????

EarthMother said...

Yep, I remember. I wonder how she knew that?? I think the "hole in the cardboard" projected onto a light flat surface will do it.