Today is Friday the 13th!
What exactly does that mean?
There is a lot of superstition surrounding this date.
I won't go into the origins or the reasons people believe this, but it makes for a pretty scary movie.
My Grandmother was very superstitious.
As an Irish Catholic, I guess she came by it naturally.
She had a superstition for quite a bit of situations.
Never, ever open an umbrella in the house.
It will bring "hard times".
If the hem of your skirt or dress was turned up, you corrected it and it meant that you'd get a new one.
Don't whistle in the house.
It brings bad luck.
If you dropped an eating utensil, it meant that company is coming.
She carried a four leaf clover in her missal.
Even with her belief in, what I thought was silly, superstitions, she was quite the pragmatist.
The world to her was black and white.
I, on the other hand, don't believe in superstitions or coincidence.
Like Occam's Razor.
If there's competing theories,
so the simplest
is the right answer.
Not the weirdest.
As kids, we went to a dentist in the Mason Blanche building.
His office was on the 12th floor.
Oddly, there wasn't a 13th floor.
But, hey, this is New Orleans, right........
Its not a local superstition regarding the number 13.
It is everywhere...
Then there's this one......
Breaking a mirror.
What's the deal?
In my life, I've broken mirrors.
I would hope that my clumsy self didn't cause a 7 or more year imposition of bad luck.
I mean, its only a mirror!
Don't walk under a ladder.
I get this one.
Makes sense.
I mean, you might get hit on the head by a can of paint!
What about spilled salt?
So, you spill some salt,
Now the table is messed up,
So, then you toss some over your shoulder?
And the floor is now messed up too?
Just more salt to clean up.
This one is just goofy.
A black cat crossing your path.
A cute little black kitty........
(OK, this one does kinda looks like Satan's spawn).
There won't be another Friday the 13th in October till 2023.
Today is kind of a big thing.
Especially with the tie in to Halloween.
Speaking of Halloween......
These are in stores now.
Take my money!!!!
Full disclosure here......
I'm coming clean.
I have never seen "Friday the 13th"
Or the complete movie,
I have my reasons.
I'm too scared!
Yes, I've said it,
I'm chicken....
(cool segue?)
These are today's output from the girls.
The blue egg is from Hazel.
The tan egg is Pepper's
The chocolate egg is Ethel's.
This is especially pertinent because today is
World Egg Day!
Go, girls!!!!
This is a typical output.
We get between 3 to 4 a day.
Some days they don't lay at all.
We haven't had a day yet where all of them lay an egg.
In our house of 5 people, we break even.
But, the upside is, we haven bought eggs in quite a while.
Lucy is getting ready to lay. She is beginning that submissive behavior.
When we approach her, she squats.
and her comb is darkening.
All are "ready" signs.
She's starting to look too much like Ethel.
We are gonna have to put a zip tie bracelet loosely on her right leg.
She's in the nest checking it and me, out.
Nugget is molting.
There's soft reddish feathers all over the yard.
Looks like they had a pillow fight!
Mostly,chickens go through a molt yearly.
They sometimes suspend laying during this time too.
It gives their reproductive systems a break.
Doesn't last long,
About a week.
She's not happy that I put her on the nest.
She's clucking and giving me the stink eye.
Ethel, however, is brooding.
That means all she wants to do is sit on eggs.
If we let her, she'll sit for about 21 days, and leave only to eat, drink and poop.
That's the approximate time it takes to hatch chicks.
During this time the hen typically won't lay.
Poor thing.......
she doesn't know her eggs aren't fertile.
We keep moving her around to break that habit.
So tonight, I've got a dozen eggs,
we're having breakfast for dinner.